
This little app is a simple scramble square puzzle. Each piece contains the top or bottom half of a colored triangle on each side. The objective is to re-arrange the pieces such that all halves match up to form full, monochrome triangles.

The puzzle may seem simple, but consider that the pieces can be arranged in 9! x 49 = 95,126,814,720 ways. While there are several solutions — for example, rotating any solution by 90 degrees results in another one — randomly positioning the pieces is unlikely to provide a quick solution, so a systematic approach is needed.

The puzzle always starts in a random configuration. Any two pieces can be swapped via drag and drop, and each piece can be rotated (90 degrees clock-wise) by double-clicking. There are buttons to create a new random configuration, to save or load a configuration, and to automatically solve the puzzle (the search strategy mostly ignores the start configuration).
